Chincoteague News From The Peninsula Enterprise in 1890
The first edition for the month of January 1890 is missing... From The Peninsula Enterprise newspaper edition of Saturday, 11 January 1890, on page 3, column 2, under the heading of "Neighborhood Notes:" "Chincoteague. Several persons in pursuit of health from New York at stopping at the Atlantic Hotel. John W. Warren, formerly of this place, but recently in business in Salisbury, has returned to Chincoteague. Corn is being brought here from Chicago and sold cheaper than it can be bought from the farmers on the mainland. S. E. Matthews has moved into his new storehouse, opposite the Atlantic, and L. Jester has opened a store 'up the Island.' Rehearsals are being made daily of a cantata, under the supervision of Prof. Wyatte, of Detroit, Michigan, to be rendered soon in our town hall for benefit of M. E. Church. It will be the grandest entertainment ever given on the Island. Oysters were sold on Chinco...