Chincoteague News From The Peninsula Enterprise in 1891
From The Peninsula Enterprise newspaper, edition of Saturday, 3 January 1891, on page 3, column 2, under the heading of "Neighborhood Notes:" "Chincoteague. Mrs. D. J. Whealton left Tuesday for Philadelphia, her future home. Some eight or ten boats from Norfolk are being loaded in our channel with oysters. Our shippers are sending to market daily from 300 to 400 bushels of oysters, and primes are selling at $4.50 per barrel, culls $3.50. Mrs. Lydia Hopkins, wife of John Hopkins, died of pneumonia, on the 24th ultimo, aged 27 years. Her husband and four children survive her. Mr. Lionel Feddeman and Miss Clara Bloxom, of this place, were married in Philadelphia, on 24th ultimo. They arrived home on day of their marriage. Our new steamer arrived here last Monday. She is an elegant craft, but drawing too much water for our bay, does not give the satisfaction anticipated. Wilson Branson, colored, die...