
Showing posts from August, 2024

Known Names of the 2024 Chincoteague Pony Foals

 This information is from the Chincoteague Pony Pedigree Database - a free service - where you can list the name of a Chincoteague Pony foal that you purchase.  Having the foal's name listed in the CPPD is completely free.  Their information page can be seen at:       You may also register your new Chincoteague Pony - for a fee - via the International Chincoteague Pony Association & Registry, at:    There has been one foal born since Pony Penning - a solid black filly out the black pinto mare Gracey; with a possibility of 4 different sires - Beach Boy, Riptide, Legacy. or Prince.  She was born 6 August: I am posting a photo of the pony first (with the 2024 foal number); the Registered name, then the "call" or "barn" name, if different; and the winning bid.   Here are the names of the 2024 Chincoteague Pony foals - using photos taken and copyrighted by DSC Ph